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Riverside Insurance Agency, Inc. Blog

Does Renters Insurance Cover Natural Disasters?

One of the benefits of renting is that you don’t have to worry about covering the actual structure. Everything from home insurance to regular maintenance is taken care of for you as long as you rent. However, having additional coverage to protect you and everything inside your temporary home is essential to prevent loss due to an accident in your home, theft, and similar situations. One question that people who are shopping around for renters insurance often ask is, does enters insurance cover natural disasters? These can also affect your personal belongings, and it’s essential to know if you’re covered should a natural disaster strike. Here’s what you need to know about renters insurance and natural disasters. Find the right renters insurance and additional coverage with our support here at Peninsula Underwriters Insurance Agency in Gainesville, FL!

Does Renters Insurance Cover Natural Disasters?

Whether or not renters insurance covers natural disasters depends entirely on the policy that you purchase. Some insurance providers take into account potential disasters that may occur in your area, incorporating them into the policy that you purchase so that you are covered should a flood or a hurricane happen. Other times, insurance policies lack this coverage, making it less protective and preventing you from being able to fully protect your items. If you’re only seeing policies that fall into the latter category, don’t worry. You can further protect your valuable belongings by purchasing insurance riders that offer coverage in the event of a natural disaster.

Protect Your Items With the Help of Peninsula Underwriters Insurance Agency

If you’re worried about a natural disaster impacting your belongings, you can find the right policy with Peninsula Underwriters Insurance Agency in Gainesville, FL. Compare quotes today!

Tips to Avoid Theft Inside an RV

RVs continue to be a popular way to travel without the expense of hotels and motels. Many people have chosen to simplify their lives, making RVs their permanent homes. Whether your RV is used for travel or as a full-time residence, one thing’s for sure: You likely have valuables inside it at any given time. Given their inherently less secure nature, knowing some tips to avoid theft inside an RV is beneficial.

Secure Your Valuables

Don’t make your valuables visible to visitors. Always secure your valuables out of sight or in a safe, recommends Riverside Insurance Agency Inc. serving Byram, MS. RVs often have less secure locks and thinner walls than a home, making it easier for thieves to break in and spot valuables. Investing in a small, secure safe bolted to the structure of the RV for storing valuables like jewelry, cash, and important documents is a smart move.

Install an Alarm System

Consider installing an alarm system. Modern RV alarm systems can alert you to break-ins; some even connect directly to local law enforcement. To deter potential thieves, display alarm decals on the doors and windows.

Use Motion-Activated Lights

Install motion-activated lights around your RV. Thieves prefer to work in the dark, and bright lights can effectively deter intruders.

Get Comprehensive RV Insurance

Ensure your RV insurance, available through Riverside Insurance Agency Inc. serving Byram, MS, includes coverage for personal belongings inside your RV. This not only provides financial reimbursement after theft but also peace of mind while you are on the road.

By taking these steps to secure your RV and ensuring you have robust RV insurance, you can enjoy your travels without worrying about the risk of theft.

How to Add Motorcycle Coverage for Your Expensive Riding Gear

At Riverside Insurance Agency Inc., we believe your motorcycle in Byram, MS, deserves the utmost protection from your insurance policy. Our motorcycle policies offer liability coverage, and with the addition of collision and comprehensive coverage, your policy can also cover damage to your motorcycle from accidents or specific perils. While standard motorcycle policies do not typically cover riding gear such as jumpsuits, helmets, gloves, and riding boots, we can assist you in adding coverage that protects these items.

Adding Scheduled Coverage for Gear

Policyholders can extend coverage to their expensive gear through an add-on known as scheduled coverage. It’s important to note that you must own the items you schedule, as each item and its value are listed on the policy. Scheduled coverage insures the specified item against loss or damage, up to the value stated in the policy documents.

What Items Can Be Scheduled?

Scheduled coverage can be applied to any motorcycle gear, including jumpsuits, chaps, riding boots, hats, scarves, helmets, and gloves. If you’ve added a sidecar to your bike, you can schedule that as well. The same applies to a trunk added above the rear fender or radar. If you’ve upgraded parts of your motorcycle, such as the engine, custom paintwork, or chrome tailpipes, these can also be scheduled.

Contact Us Today

Contact Riverside Insurance Agency Inc. today to schedule coverage for the items you’ve added to your motorcycle and riding gear. Let us help you optimize your motorcycle policy before you hit the roads of Byram, MS. If you’re unsure about what to schedule, we can provide an insurance review to guide you.

Why All Boaters Need Boat Insurance to Protect Themselves

Boats can be a major expense, and they can end up costing you even more than you thought if you aren’t protected by boat insurance. There are several costs when it comes to owning a boat, and boating accidents can be a significant source of them. To make sure you’re protected by boat insurance, call us at Riverside Insurance Agency Inc. in Byram, MS.

Boating Accidents

Boating accidents can be costly. Not only is there damage done to your boat that will have to be repaired, but you may also be liable for the damage to the other person’s watercraft and pay for all their needed medical treatments after the accident. This could bankrupt someone who doesn’t have boat insurance. Having at least liability coverage on your boat is vital to protect you from what you would owe for the other party’s losses. You need property damage and bodily injury liability coverage to ensure you won’t owe thousands or more after an accident. To be fully protected, you can also have other types of coverage in your policy.

Other Coverage

Getting collision coverage will also protect you in the event of an accident. It would pay for your property damage so that you could get the necessary repairs. In addition, you can get comprehensive coverage to protect you against other things happening to your boat outside the water. With all of these coverage types, you will be well-protected against the unexpected and the exorbitant expenses it can bring.

Get Your Boat Insurance Policy

As soon as you buy your boat, it would be best if you are covered by the right boat insurance policy about it; call us at Riverside Insurance Agency Inc. in Byram, MS.

How Umbrella Insurance Works After an Accident

Umbrella insurance is a crucial type of insurance to have if you own a home and at least one vehicle. Without this type of insurance policy, you may not be as well-protected as you think. Many people aren’t aware of the potential risks they face, even if they already have home and auto insurance policies. Adding umbrella insurance can help close any coverage gaps. To get started with an umbrella policy, call Riverside Insurance Agency Inc. in Byram, MS.

More Liability Coverage

Umbrella insurance enhances your liability insurance across two of your insurance policies – your home and auto insurance. Both of these insurance types include a certain amount of liability coverage, but it’s often not enough to cover a serious accident. When you add umbrella insurance to both of these policies, it provides a substantial amount of additional coverage, leaving you much better protected in case you’re responsible for an accident.

How It Works

If there’s an accident that you’re responsible for, your home or auto insurance will cover the accident up to your coverage limits. Once the insurance has reached this limit, it can’t pay any more toward the accident, even if there are additional bills. It’s common for a serious accident to generate additional bills that home or auto insurance can’t cover. When this happens, your umbrella insurance steps in to cover the remaining bills.

Get Umbrella Insurance in Mississippi!

If you want to learn more about these policies, we’re here to help. Contact us at Riverside Insurance Agency Inc. in Byram, MS.

Internal Vs. External Flooding: What Does Flood Insurance Cover?

When seeking maximum coverage and protection for your home, you might purchase certain policies, believing they’ll support you in specific situations. For instance, you might buy flood insurance, thinking it will cover you for any flooding issue in your house. But what happens when the flooding originates from within the home rather than from an external source? Does flood insurance differentiate between the two? Is one scenario covered and the other not? Riverside Insurance Agency Inc. in Byram, MS, is here to help you understand your flood insurance policy.

Does Flood Insurance Cover Internal or External Flooding?

It is natural to assume that flood insurance would cover all types of flood – but that’s not always the case. Generally, people purchase flood insurance anticipating external flooding due to significant flood risks in the area. If you live somewhere subject to hurricanes or heavy storms, buying a flood insurance policy would be a reasonable measure to protect your property. But what about internal flooding caused by, for instance, a broken pipe? Even though this is a form of flooding, flood insurance doesn’t usually cover damage from internal causes. Such issues generally fall under your homeowner’s insurance policy. Whatever type of flooding you want to guard against, having comprehensive insurance coverage is vital.

Find the Right Flood Insurance Policy with Riverside Insurance Agency Inc.

Protecting your home from flooding and other common threats is an effective way to safeguard your investment and ensure peace of mind. Our team at Riverside Insurance Agency Inc. in Byram, MS, can help you find the right flood insurance policy for your needs. Compare insurance quotes with us today!

Stay Safe on the Road: Comprehensive Auto Insurance and Extreme Weather Driving Tips

Many drivers have safety concerns when driving in strong wind or heavy rain. Riverside Insurance Agency Inc. professionals in Byram, MS, want you to stay safe in all weather conditions. We put together these driving tips to help you keep cool in rain, sleet, and high winds. Additionally, we can help you choose the right comprehensive auto insurance policy if needed!

Driving in Heavy Winds

Typically, a little wind won’t change driving conditions. However, strong winds caused by weather patterns can make driving tricky in Mississippi. In wide open spaces, wind can cause an even greater risk. Watch out for high wind conditions when driving over overpasses, through tunnels, and in densely forested areas.

Our insurance professionals recommend the following tips: First, anticipate gusts by nothing areas prone to strong winds. Second, watch out for recreational vehicles and tractor-trailers, which are susceptible to high winds. When the wind picks up, these vehicles might have difficulty remaining in their lanes around turns and curves. Finally, keep both hands on the wheel to maneuver easily as needed during a windstorm.

Driving in Heavy Rain

Heavy downpours can occur with little warning. This can cause poor visibility and hydroplaning for unaware drivers. During hydroplaning, your vehicle’s tires scale across the water and don’t directly touch the road surface. This makes it difficult to steer and break. However, these tips can help you stay safe.

Slow down before a slow drizzle becomes a torrential downpour. Driving slowly can prevent hydroplaning, and oil accumulates on the highway, making conditions slick when it rains. Additionally, you can stay on top of the weather, planning trips around rainstorms whenever possible.

We also recommend turning your headlights on when it rains. This will help you see more clearly and make your vehicle more visible to other drivers. Finally, we recommend adding space between yourself and the car in front of you. Having an extra couple of seconds May help you prevent an accident.

Safe driving can help prevent accidents, and comprehensive auto insurance gives you the coverage needed to pay for damage in case of an unforeseen accident. Contact the team at Riverside Insurance Agency Inc. in Byram, MS, to schedule an appointment today!

Can You Get Insurance For Vacant Condo Units?

Condo insurance is crucial for those owning a condominium unit in the Byram, MS, area. This coverage generally secures your belongings and the interior of your unit. A condo association or lender may necessitate it. But how does this change if your condo is vacant? How does this impact your capability to insure it?

Understanding Vacancy

In terms of insurance, a condominium unit is deemed vacant if it has been uninhabited for a minimum of 30 days. This can occur when you embark on a lengthy overseas vacation, can’t locate a new tenant, or decide to spend the summer in a cooler part of the country.

Insurance Factors

If your condo qualifies as vacant, informing your insurance agent about the unit’s status is vital. Otherwise, the existing policy may not remain valid. You’ll need to acquire insurance tailored for vacant condominiums. Once you have returned to the area or found a tenant, you can revert to your current policy.

Different coverage is needed for a vacant property because vacancy modifies the level of risk. If no one is residing in the property, plumbing or roof leaks may go unnoticed for longer periods, exacerbating the potential damage. In these situations, theft also becomes more probable.

If you require condo insurance, Riverside Insurance Agency Inc. offers policies that confidently cater to your needs. As an independent agency, we give clients the choice of procuring policies from numerous major insurers, meaning you only have to make one call. To get started, please get in touch with the Riverside Insurance Agency Inc. office in Byram, MS, by dialing 601-371-8355.

Will my commercial insurance cover the burst pipes in my place of business?

Like most insurance, commercial insurance is designed to meet and suit a business’s specific needs and preferences. For most business owners, there are many moving parts when running their business. As a result, insurance can be a beneficial piece of the puzzle. More often than not, unexpected events and situations can wreak havoc on a business, especially if insurance isn’t a piece of the puzzle. The team at Riverside Insurance Agency Inc. understands the positive impact that commercial insurance has and is committed to helping Byram MS business owners get the coverage they need.

What is Commercial Insurance?

Commercial insurance is insurance designed for businesses. Specifically, commercial or business insurance protects businesses from loss and provides liability protection as well. Losses can include accidents, theft, fraud, natural disasters, and more. Business insurance can also protect employees. It is designed to provide businesses with financial, liability, and medical coverage. Your insurance policy is designed to meet the unique needs of your business. For example, if you drive cars for your business, your commercial insurance policy should include business auto insurance, not personal. If you use your car for business, you will need to invest in a commercial auto insurance policy in addition to your personal auto insurance.

Will my commercial insurance cover the burst pipes in my place of business?

Yes. Typically, commercial insurance provides coverage for repairing or replacing any damage your place of business, tools, machines, and vehicles may incur. However, if the damage results from negligence, the repair of the damage may not be covered. If you have questions about commercial insurance, call us. We’d be happy to answer all of your questions and help you explore your options.

Choosing the Right Home Insurance in Byram: Expert Advice from Riverside Insurance Agency Inc.

Did you know that there are options for home insurance in Byram, MS? Many people simply go with what is first offered without having any knowledge about customizing a policy.

First, it’s essential to know that your home policy covers a few things:

  • The home
  • Other buildings on your property
  • Your personal belongings
  • Liability coverage
  • Loss of use

At Riverside Insurance Agency Inc., we’re here to ensure you’ve explored all of the coverage options and have a policy that’s built to your specifications and within your budget.

Explore the Coverage Options

There are a few ways to get coverage on your home. Consider whether you want coverage based on the actual cost of the home, the replacement cost, or an extended replacement cost. If your house were to be destroyed, the coverage could matter significantly.

Additionally, you’ll want to look at the values associated with liability, such as if someone gets hurt on your property or if someone in your household damages someone else’s property.

If you have many high-value items, you may also want to increase the coverage on your personal belongings.

Working with an agent can help you cover the various “what if” scenarios.

Look at Deductibles

The deductible on your insurance policy can vary. This is the out-of-pocket expense you pay before the insurance company covers the rest.

Having a smaller deductible can make it easier for you to file a claim, but it can also lead to higher premiums. This is why you’ll want to weigh the risks of what could happen and also get quotes with a few different deductibles. It allows you to make an intelligent choice about your policy.

Be sure that you have home insurance coverage in Byram, MS, that truly offers you peace of mind. Call Riverside Insurance Agency so that our expert agents can help you with the details.

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  • ASI
  • Berkshire Hathaway
  • Foremost
  • Heritage
  • Liberty Mutual
  • MetLife
  • Orion 180
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • Southern Fidelity
  • State Auto
  • Travelers